The Commission for Smart Government is an independent initiative to consider how to make public administration more effective.
Strategic, Capable, Innovative, Accountable: Four Steps to Smarter Government - read our final policy proposals
We asked
12 key questions about Whitehall.
Read our discussion papers, including new research on the effectiveness of Ministers and the talent & culture of the Civil Service.
Watch the launch event for our final policy paper, with response from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove
Speech: Michael Gove at the Commission for Smart Government, on the launch of the Declaration on Government Reform
RT @DanielKorski: The #ConservativeParty leadership race hasn't said much about how in No 10 @RishiSunak or @trussliz would seek to…
RT @DanielKorski: A lot of people have said to me over the years that the @David_Cameron No 10 worked well compared to subsequent ver…
RT @DanielKorski: Any new government should have a more comprehensive plan for the future of Whitehall, as it's clear the current set…
RT @wheatley_martin: Interesting to see machinery of government issues surfacing as part of #ToryLeadershipContest incl current function…
RT @CommonsPACAC: Tomorrow we are questioning @DrMatthewGill @instituteforgov , Alan Cogbill formerly @ConUnit_UCL and…